DFT 设计服务 (DFT Design Service)
DFT(Design for Test)技术作为业界的标准手段,通过在芯片设计时加入测试专用电路,增加芯片的可测试性

DFT(Design for Test)技术作为业界的标准手段,通过在芯片设计时加入测试专用电路,增加芯片的可测试性。如何降低测试成本,同时测试电路占用芯片设计上较小的面积,达到更高的故障覆盖率,已成为当前产业界的一个关键难题。
太阳棋牌官网版官方版与子公司亿瑞芯联合推出可测性设计自动化和良率诊断解决方案及服务。成功案例包括国内多家头部的设计公司,产品涵盖MCU,ADAS, GPU, CPU,AI,5G, Video。用户可轻松应对复杂的SoC芯片、大规模芯片的诊断测试、汽车电子的功能性安全测试以及良率提升等挑战,取得质量与成本双赢。

Architecture Definition

  • Test Mode Definition
  • IO plan、Test Plan、Burn-In plan
  • MBIST、Repair、SCAN、Logic BIST、In-System-Test、BSCAN Structure Definition
  • 3rd-party IP Test Interface Definition

Automotive DFT

  • In-System-Test
    IST Controller and LBIST Controller Insertion
    DMA Mode IST Integration to Support Power Self-test
    CPU Interface IST Integration to Support Periodic Self-test
    IST +MBIST+LBIST Verification
  • Low DPPM solution
    Automotive Level ATPG
    User Defined MBIST Algorithm
    High Coverage Implementation( Scan Structure + Testpoint)

DFT Flow Development

  • DFT Insert:IST Controller、MBIST、Repair、BSCAN、IJTAG Network、OCC、Compress Structure、Logic BIST Controller  Insertion
  • SCAN Insertion and Hierarchical ATPG
  • Pre-sim+Post-sim Simulation Environment
  • Formal Check、 DFT SDC Integration
  • Cell Aware ATPG、Diagnosis and Yield Improvement Flow

DFT Project Implementation

  • RTL Insertion
    Block level and Top level Insertion for MBIST,Compress, OCC, BSCAN, LBIST, IST, IJTAG Network 
  • Scan Insertion
    SCAN Chain、Wrapper Cell Insertion and EDT Connection
  • ATPG
    Graybox Generation and DC/AC ATPG 
  • Simulation
    MBIST、BSCAN、IJTAG Network、Chain/AC/DC Simulation
  • SDC
    MBIST&AC Capture、Scan Shift、DC Capture SDC Generation,Flattern SDC Generation
  • Formal Check
    Pre-DFT vs Post-DFT

Diagnosis and Yield Improvement

  • ATPG Diagnosis
    Diagnosis Environment Setup
    Chain Diagnosis Flow Build up
    Layout Aware Scan Diagnosis
    Transition Diagnosis
    Cell Aware Diagnosis
    Yield Analysis Flow Setup
  • MBIST Diagnosis
    Build Lab MBIST Diagnosis
    Build Mass Products MBIST Diagnosis 
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